Monday, January 26, 2009

Watching TV while Online....

The folks at Ipsos Reid have confirmed what all parents of teenagers already know - when you are online, you are probably watching TV and listening to the radio also.

In fact, 44% of Canadians (and
presumably, a similar number of multi-tasking Americans) say they are consuming other traditional forms of media while scouring the latest that the Internet has to offer. Further, a lot of folks don't bother with traditional media at all, especially quick-to-be-out-of-date categories such as magazine (40% don't bother with them).

Multi-tasking is only part of this story - the other part is that media with interactive & real-time characteristics is where the audience is. The more one-way and out-of-date the message, the less an entire generation of consumers is interested.

Recently, a lot of bleeding-edge folks have been getting their news from emerging micro-blogging sites, such as Twitter. Over here at com.motion we follow one particular Twitter-er who seems to beat CNN regularly.

Hold on to your hats, folks, media is changing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like to split my screen and have two windows (or more) open when I'm watching videos online. I feel too unproductive just sitting there watching movies. How many people IM, answer emails and read blogs while sitting in front of their actual TV? Makes sense we would start doing it online once TV shifts from IRL to the internet.

I do wish someone would create some sort of scrolling Twitter update stream for internet browsers ala CNN's scrolling news updates along the bottom of the TV screen.