Friday, January 9, 2009

Social Media - not just a Marketing Effort

One of the best things about managing social media pro-actively is that you get feedback from your customer and prospect.

However, one of the scary things about managing social media pro-actively is that your boss and everyone else in the organization also sees this feedback. And if there's one thing that customer service people have known for a long time, it is that the loudest voices tend to be the malcontents. Ask Frank at Comcast.

So the key lesson here is that if you are a brand manager and sprinkle a little $$$ behind engaging in social media, you need to be prepared to play a new kind of corporate quarterback. You are going to get feedback that is relevant for your brand far beyond the walls of marketing and PR. Your VP of Customer Service, your VP of Product Development, your VP of R&D, your SVP of Investor Relations and your head of Operations are all going to be interested in the nuggets you uncover as you start to talk with and get to know your social media influencers.

A lot of marketeers are at least somewhat familiar with this from their market research work, but the feedback from social media is a bit less scientific, so when you go to your CEO and say "the sentiment on our brand shifted negative yesterday and the main theme appears to be Britney Spears" be ready for some raised eyebrows. Most organizations are not yet equipped to handle the kind of rapid and detailed feedback that social media relationships offer - but this is the opportunity. The social media world can be a great hub of information for myriad departments - and as the purveyor's of great, relevant and timely information, they can become a powerful group.

So embrace the feedback, share it and manage it. Helping your organization get close to your customers is a really, really good thing.

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