Thursday, December 13, 2007

This year's hottest Christmas toy will surprise you

Forget what you've heard about the hottest toy this Christmas being the Barbie Girls MP3 Player, the Transformers Movie Ultimate Bumblebee or even Guitar Hero 3.

According to, the hottest toy this Christmas is an 8-pack of alkaline batteries. Really. Think of all those little kids who will wake up on Christmas morning wondering if there will be alkaline batteries under their tree, or if they'll be the one who will have to return to school in the new year and watch enviously as the other kids roll their batteries around, engage in battery sword play and
put on battery puppet shows.

This screen grab -- captured just a few minutes ago -- is just too funny.

mcarthur (at)

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scribblercraig said...

I thought this was going to be a link for SMRs! :-) And never mind children, how many adults will forget batteries for their own toys!

Keith McArthur said...

Social Media Releases aren't in the "hot toys" category just yet. Maybe in 2008?